Name of Section or Activity

3rd Stoneleigh

Date of risk assessment


Name of who undertook this risk assessment

Jack Lee

Steve Lee

COVID-19 readiness level transition

Red to Amber to yellow

Hazard Identified? /

Risks from it?

Who is at risk?

How are the risks already controlled?

What extra controls are needed?

What has changed that needs to be thought about and controlled?

Hazard – something that may cause harm or damage.

Risk – the chance of it happening.

Young people,



Controls – Ways of making the activity safer by removing or reducing the risk from it.

For example – you might use a different piece of equipment or you might change the way the activity is carried out.

Keep checking throughout the activity in case you need to change it…or even stop it! This is a great place to add comments which will be used as part of the review.

All Embracing Basic Principles:

All activities will be undertaken in accordance with Government guidelines, Scout Association requirements and, when in-house, any additional requirements of our premises host, Stoneleigh Methodist Church

All Leaders, parents and children will be made aware of any anti Covid measures being introduced and be clear on what is expected of them

All Sections to reveiew their activities regularly to ensure their meetings are covered by this RA and, if not, produce specific assessments as revisions documents.

Maintain Social Distancing

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Meeting times varied to prevent overlap

Arrival/departure times staggered

No parental parking in car park to give room for distancing. Parents to stay with cars until their child is ready and directed to them.

Separate access and egress arrangements

Use of two separate halls to reduce group numbers to guidance levels with interconnecting doors closed

Group sizes to accord with Scout Association guidance

Children reminded about distancing etc at each meeting

Outside activities wherever possible

Programmes/activities/games reviewed to take on board social distancing wherever possible

Welfare (toilets)

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Separate toilets where possible on rotation between sections

1 in 1 out arrangement

Additional cleaning materials provided so that toilets can be cleaned after each use

Occupancy and hygiene signage to be displayed

Additional soap and hand cleansing materials to be provided

No air based hand dryer usage

Bins/paper towels emptied after each meeting

Welfare (drinks etc)

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Everyone to bring their own drinks/buscuits etc

Kitchen to be out of bounds to all children

If Leaders need to access the kitchen for an activity or for first aid equipment or telephone etc it shall be cleaned afterwards

General Hygiene

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Area will be cleaned before and after use

All required to hand sanitise/wash on arrival and regular hand cleaning throughout activities

All Equipment used will be cleaned before use and after use if it will be used again within the following 72 hours

Review of programme to limit use of equipment and to avoid use of ‘hard to clean’ items

Additional Soap and hand drying materials to be made available

All bins emptied after meetings

No water based activities

External spaces

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Normal slip/trip/fall inspections to be enhanced with checks on potential for social dstance compromise

Remind young people of site boundaries

Hand cleansing products to be available

Avoid use of public toilets

Internal spaces

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Rooms to be cleaned prior to section meetings and afterwards if to be in use again witin 72 hours. All door handles to be wiped down on exit.

Addition soap and hand cleansing products available

Dedicated access and egress routes for each section

Kitchen area to be restricted to leaders (over18) only

Clear expectations / rules explained to all involved

Additional Signage to be in place to remind of rules

Physical barrier, eg closed door, between meeting halls

Rooms will be ventilated by open windows and where safeguarding will not be affected doors

Provision of First Aid


Self-treatment should be considered first

Masks, gloves and apron available for leaders to treat. UKRC advise to be followed

Group Transport

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No group transport will be used

Known Illness

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Persons displaying COVID 19 symptoms shall not be permitted to attend and where symptoms develop during section meeting person affected will be removed from the session, isolated and returned home

Register shall be kept ensuring local track and trace

Parents required to notify group in case of COVID 19 illness identified

Health questionnaire to be sent to parents

Health Alert signage put at entrances

Persons with underlining conditions

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All persons involved with scouting should notify GSL if they have known underlining conditions and follow advice from medical practitioner

Additional Risk management document to be completed should medical advice be given detailing any additional measures required

Stress: Stress and anxiety

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Leaders shall be aware of information and services available to support persons involved

External Visitors

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No activities to be planned involving external input

External visitors to be discouraged

Review: This risk assessment is for a section to move from one COVID Readiness alert level to the next, an additional risk assessment should be produced for each move proposed.

Checked by Line Manager


Role / level


Checked by Executive


Role / level


Approved by Commissioner


Role / level


Approved by Executive


Role / level


Notification of level change

Date and by who

We take personal data privacy seriously. The data in this form is used to assess the suitability for the return to face to face Scouting based on the controls put in place. The personal data in this form is used to identify the individuals who have completed and approved the risk assessment. This includes the individual who undertook the assessment, the line manager, Executive members and County Commissioner, who will all have access to this data. Scouts headquarters will retain this data for 3 years after the Covid-19 readiness level goes to ‘Green’ and does not return to ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ to act as evidence of the assessment taking place. For further details on the Scouts data processing stance please visit our Data Protection Policy here.’.